Update date: November 1, 2023

Effective date: November 1, 2023

Release date: November 1, 2023

WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors

Update instructions:

We have updated the 《 Children's Privacy Statement 》, which mainly includes:

1.Change the name to 《 WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors 》;

2.I have reviewed and restated the rules fors to process personal information of minors;

3.According to 《 Personal Information Protection Law 》, relevant terms and expressions have been updated;

WoPais (also known as "us") have always attached great importance to protecting the personal information of minors and are committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. 《 WoPai Camera Minors Personal Information Protection Rules and Guardians Notice 》 (hereinafter referred to as "these rules") aim to provide a more detailed explanation to the guardians (hereinafter referred to as "you") and the minors under your guardianship (especially children under the age of fourteen, hereinafter collectively referred to as "your children") on how we handle the personal information of minors, as well as the ways we manage and protect this information for you/your children.

We have highlighted in bold font the provisions of these rules that may have a significant impact on your/your child's rights and the handling of sensitive personal information.

Guardian reminder:

Before using our products and/or services, please carefully read and understand these rules. After accepting and agreeing to these rules, please allow your child to use our products and/or services. If you click to agree to use or continue using the products and/or services we provide, it means that you agree to our compliance with 《 WoPai Camera privacy policy 》 Collect, use, and process personal information of you and the minors under your guardianship in accordance with the provisions of these rules. If you do not agree with the content of these rules, please request your child to immediately stop accessing or using our products and/or services.

The protection of personal information for minors requires your and our joint efforts. We hope you can assist us in protecting the personal information of your child. Please note that the personal information of children under the age of fourteen is sensitive personal information. Please handle it with caution and ensure that your child's relevant operations (such as authorization, information provision, etc.) are carried out with your consent.

Reminder for minors:

If you are a minor under the age of 18, please read these rules together with your guardian, and after obtaining the consent of your guardian, please use our products and/or services under the management of your guardian. Before using this product service or submitting personal information, please seek the consent and guidance of your guardian. If your guardian disagrees with these rules or does not agree to your use of our products and/or services, please stop using our products and/or services.

《 WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors 》 will help you understand the following content:

1、 《 WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors 》 Scope of application

2、 Our rules for collecting and using personal information of minors

3、 Our rules for sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information of minors

4、 Our rules for storing and protecting personal information of minors

5、 Management of personal information of minors

6、 Update of this rule

7、 How to contact us

1、 《 WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors 》 Scope of application

《 WoPai Camera personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors 》 Applicable to activities where we collect, use, store, and process personal information of minors while you/your child is using our products and/or services.

《 WoPai Camera privacy policy 》 shows the general practices for handling and protecting personal information with WoPai. This rule is part of 《 WoPai privacy policy 》; If there is any inconsistency between this rule and the main text of 《 WoPai Privacy Policy 》 regarding the protection of personal information of minors, this rule shall prevail. If it is not mentioned in this rule, it shall apply/refer to the actual situation of the product 《 WoPai Privacy Policy 》 or subject to further explanation by WoPai. Unless otherwise specified in these rules, the meanings of words referred to in these rules are consistent with those in the main text of 《 WoPai Privacy Policy 》.

Special note:

You should understand that we attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. In principle, our products and/or services are primarily aimed at adults, and underage users must obtain authorization and consent from their guardians before continuing to use our products/services or providing us with information. Please understand that in most cases, except for underage users who have passed real name authentication or those you have voluntarily informed, we cannot identify whether the specific personnel information using our products and/or services belongs to underage personal information. That is, we cannot determine whether the collected and processed device information, personal internet records, and other personal information without obvious age recognition characteristics belong to underage personal information. In this case, we will collect and process the personal information of the aforementioned users in accordance with the 《 WoPai Privacy Policy 》.

2、 Our rules for collecting and using personal information of minors

We will strictly fulfill the legal obligations and responsibilities for protecting personal information of minors, and collect and use personal information of minors in accordance with the principles of legality, minimum necessity, honesty and credit, security protection, and purpose limitation. We will not collect personal information of minors that is unrelated to the products and/or services we provide, and will not violate legal provisions and our agreement with you to collect and use personal information of minors. If we wish to use the personal information of minors for other purposes not specified in these rules, or use the collected information for specific purposes, we will promptly and reasonably inform you and your child, and obtain their authorization and consent.

The specific business scenarios where we may collect personal information about your child include:

1Registration and login

When a minor registers as a user of WoPai, they need to provide Mobile phone number Create a Guess account and provide relevant network identification information (such as avatar, nickname, and login password); We kindly suggest that you do not provide the real name, portrait, contact information, etc. of the minor unless necessary, and do not easily share personal information with others or make it public. When minors upload/change their avatars, we will obtain them based on your authorization and storage permissions, And collect uploaded/replaced Image information. If only basic functions such as browsing and searching are needed, minors do not need to register as our users and provide the above information.

If you/your child choose to authorize the use of a third-party account to register and log in to the Wo Guess platform, we will obtain your child's shared account information (public information such as avatars and nicknames, as well as information provided by your authorization) from the third party, generate a Wo Guess account bound to the third-party account, and provide quick login services. We will use the personal information of minors in accordance with the agreement with the third party and in compliance with relevant regulations.

2Implement youth mode functionality

You can activate youth mode in our products and/or services. Teenage mode is an audio and video viewing mode provided to better care for the healthy growth of minors under the age of 18. To provide better protection for the personal information security of minors, we will process and protect the personal information of all users collected in youth mode in accordance with these rules.

The aforementioned device information usually includes the device name, device model, hardware serial number MAC address, device identification information (device identifiers formed by IMEI/BSSID/MEID/AndroidID/OpenUDID/IMSI/IDFA/IDFV/OAID/ICCID and other comprehensive device parameters and system information), installed application list and other software and hardware feature information, operating system and application version, language settings, resolution, service provider network ID (PLMN) IP address, browser type.

The aforementioned personal internet records include browsing/clicking/playing records, access date/time/duration, etc.

3Protection of the rights and interests of minors

In order to better protect the rights and interests of minors (such as handling issues related to underage recharge and live streaming), we may collect your/your child's mobile phone number or other contact information (such as QQ number, WeChat account) to contact you and help you solve the problem as soon as possible.

To verify the relationship between underage users and you, we will collect information about you and underage users Name, ID card number, ID card, household register or other supporting documents of guardianship relationship.

In order to properly solve and handle the issue of underage recharge, we will ask you/your child to provide recharge account information, recharge details materials, etc., to help us further verify the amount, time, and process of recharge consumption.

8、 Payment function. You can WoPai buying gifts, props, and membership value-added services fors. During your payment process, We may collect your Third party payment account, such as Alipay account, WeChat payment account or other forms of bank card information. If you have enabled fingerprint payment, we may also need to collect your information Biometric information Used for payment verification.

3、 Our rules for sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information of minors

(1) Sharing

We will not share personal information of minors with any third party unless one or more of the following circumstances exist:

1.Sharing with you as a guardian;

2.We have obtained your explicit authorization and consent in advance;

3.The sharing necessary to achieve our services/functionalities. In some cases, we must share your child's personal information in order to fulfill our obligations as a party to relevant contracts with you/your child and provide the services your child needs;

4.WoPai it's necessary and reasonable to share within the. In order for us to provide you/your child with consistent services, improve personalized experience, meet the needs of security risk control, and facilitate your unified management based on the unified account system of WoPai, you are aware and agree that your child's relevant personal information may be shared within the products of WoPai as necessary;

5.Necessary for fulfilling legal duties or obligations (including those directly related to (possible) litigation, arbitration, enforcement and other legal procedures); Or according to the requirements of laws and regulations, administrative agencies, public security organs, and other competent authorities.

6.Other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

We promise that we will only share necessary personal information of minors. At the same time, we will conduct a personal information protection impact assessment in advance for the sharing activities of personal information of minors, and take effective technical protection measures for the output form, circulation, use, etc. At the level of cooperation agreements, strict requirements are placed on the information protection obligations and responsibilities of partners. Prior to cooperation, a data security protection agreement is signed with business partners, prohibiting them from using personal information of minors for purposes not authorized by their guardians.

Please rest assured that unless we obtain your individual consent, we will not share your child's personal information with our partners for marketing activities.

(2) Transfer.

Transfer refers to the process of transferring control of personal information to other companies, organizations, or individuals. In principle, we will not transfer your child's personal information, except for the following situations:

1.If you make your own request and comply with relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements;

2.If we need to transfer personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, or bankruptcy, we will inform you of the recipient's name or contact information, and require the recipient to continue to be bound by this policy. If the recipient changes the original processing purpose and method, we will require the recipient to obtain your consent again.

(3) Public disclosure.

We will not publicly disclose any personal information of you/your child that has not been disclosed on your own or is not legally disclosed, except in accordance with laws and regulations or with your separate consent. And before we publicly disclose your/your child's personal information, we will conduct a personal information protection impact assessment and use security measures that comply with industry standards for processing.

If you would like to learn more, please refer to 《 WoPai Camera privacy policy 》 The third chapter of the main text discusses the collaborators involved in the use of data, as well as the transfer and disclosure of personal information.

4、 Our rules for storing and protecting personal information of minors

(1) Storage of personal information of minors

1.Storage location: We store personal information of minors within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations.

2.Storage period: Unless otherwise specified by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities, we only store personal information of minors for the shortest period necessary for the purpose of providing our products and/or services. After exceeding the storage period mentioned above, we will delete or anonymize the personal information of minors. When underage users voluntarily cancel their accounts, we will process the data in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.

3.Termination of Operations: If we terminate our services or operations, we will promptly cease the collection of personal information of minors, and comply with relevant laws and regulations to notify our guardians in advance. After termination of services or operations, we will delete or anonymize the personal information of minors, except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.

(2) Protection measures for personal information of minors

In addition to 《 the privacy policy and 》 the personal information related protection measures in Chapter 7 of the main text, we have adopted industry standard security technologies and organizational and management protection measures to minimize the risk of personal information leakage, damage, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and modification of minors.

1.We strictly control the access rights to personal information of minors, and adhere to the principle of minimum authorization for staff who may come into contact with personal information of minors, controlling the scope of knowledge of personal information of minors. Access to personal information of minors by staff requires approval from relevant responsible persons or authorized management personnel, and technical measures must be taken to record and control the handling of personal information of minors by staff to avoid illegal processing of personal information of minors. At the same time, regular safety education and training should be provided to relevant personnel, and compliance audits should be conducted on the handling of personal information of minors on their own or through professional institutions commissioned.

2.We have developed an emergency plan for personal information security incidents involving minors, organized internal personnel for emergency response training and drills, to enable them to master their job responsibilities, emergency response strategies, and procedures. When we discover that personal information of minors has been or may be leaked, tampered with, damaged, or lost, we will immediately activate emergency plans and take remedial measures. We will promptly inform you/your child of the basic situation and possible impacts of the safety incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for your/your child to independently prevent and reduce risks, mitigate hazards, and our communication methods in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. We will promptly inform you/your child of the relevant situation of the event through app push notifications, email sending, on-site messaging, and other means. When it is difficult to inform each individual, we will take reasonable and effective measures to issue relevant warning information. At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents involving minors in accordance with regulatory requirements.

If you would like to learn more, please refer to 《 WoPai Camera privacy policy 》 Chapter 9 of the main text: "WoPai hows protect your information.".

5、 Management of personal information of minors

We provide various functions in our products and/or services to exercise control over the personal information of minors. You can use these functions to manage the personal information of minors and their online life, ensuring the security of their personal information. You/your child can follow 《 WoPai Camera privacy policy 》 Chapter 10 of the main text provides instructions on how to manage your information.

In the following situations, you/your child can directly request us to delete the personal information of minors, except for data anonymization processing or other legal provisions, including:

1.The processing purpose has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or is no longer necessary to achieve the processing purpose;

2.We cease to provide products and/or services, or the shelf life has expired;

3.You withdraw your consent;

4.We violate laws, administrative regulations, or agreements in processing your child's personal information.

6、 Update of this rule

We encourage you to carefully review our 《 personal information protection rules and guardianship instructions for minors before agreeing to and supervising your child's use of our products and/or services 》. We will update the terms of this rule based on the updates of our products and/or services and relevant requirements of laws and regulations, and such updates will form a part of this rule. We will remind you of the updated content through internal messages or other appropriate means, so that you can keep up with the latest version of these rules in a timely manner. If this update involves significant changes, we will notify you through prominent means (such as website announcements or pop-up notifications) before this rule takes effect. But without your explicit consent, we will not diminish or infringe upon the personal rights and interests enjoyed by you/your child under these rules.

7、 How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of these rules or if your child encounters any issues related to the processing of personal information of minors when using our products and/or services (including inquiries, complaints, etc.), you can contact us through the following methods. We will provide feedback on your issue within 15 working days after verifying the identity of you (guardian) and your child:

Email: kefu@WoPai.com

Registered address of the enterprise: No. 11, 7th floor, Sanjiao Village, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Common office address: No. 11, 7th Floor, Sanjiao Village, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Postal Code: 430000

WoPai Camera legal department will handle it